Friday, 23 December 2011

terrarium madness

Terrariums are glass containers with plants inside. And we are mad about them! :p You can think of them as miniature landscapes.Best type of terrariums? The ones with succulents inside of course! :p You can even make a themed terrarium, using toy animals like snakes, lizards etc. Dinosaurs are my favourites :p We will post a tutorial for terrariums soon (in case you want to make your own). 

This one is my first attempt. Say hello to Patrick :p I had to empty this bowl though, because one of the plants had mealy bugs! Yiaiks!! They ate the plant from the inside..Poor haworthia cooperi..Mealy bugs are these disgusting little fellas:
I hate them..I really do.They're the only insect enemy succulents have. No other insect can harm them:)
So beware, you must inspect every new plant you buy before you introduce it to your other plants!

I made the following terrarium for Eri.hehe.. I used a snake and a dino as ornaments. I think it is a Parasaurolophus :p 

This is a smaller terrarium. It contains a haworthia zebrina and a sempervivum arachnoideum. Kind of creepy, huh? :p
The last terrarium is the one I made for my mum. Didn't put any snakes in it because it would end in the garbage hah. They wouldn't be the first plants with this fate:p These pebbles are too shiny for my taste, but it looks ok I guess.


Hello there! First post yay! We love echeverias, so I am going to show you my echeveria collection :D One of the most fascinating succulent families in my opinion..I plan to expand it! I identify them on my own, so if you notice any mistakes, please let me know :) 
echeveria lilacina

echeveria pulidonis
echeveria "black prince" (poor echeveria, I must clean it from the water stains:P)

echeveria "magic red" (..I think)

 echeveria affinis

 I am not sure what this is. Any ideas? Kinda looks like echeveria pulidonis, but it's not. Some kind of hybrid maybe?

 echeveria purpusorum

This echeveria looks like a cabbage, doesn't it? It's almost bigger than my head hah..It looks very hardy. The people from the nursery had it outside, completely unprotected from rain and frost.  It is probably echeveria secunda glauca.

 echeveria "perle von nurnberg"

echeveria "topsy-turvy"

I have left my poor babies alone since I am visiting my family for the holidays..I moved some of them inside and I covered the others with frost cloth:P
The temperature has dropped a lot, so they will be stressed..If something happens to them while I am gone, I will go mad, there is no doubt about that:P