Terrariums are glass containers with plants inside. And we are mad about them! :p You can think of them as miniature landscapes.Best type of terrariums? The ones with succulents inside of course! :p You can even make a themed terrarium, using toy animals like snakes, lizards etc. Dinosaurs are my favourites :p We will post a tutorial for terrariums soon (in case you want to make your own).
I hate them..I really do.They're the only insect enemy succulents have. No other insect can harm them:)
So beware, you must inspect every new plant you buy before you introduce it to your other plants!
I made the following terrarium for Eri.hehe.. I used a snake and a dino as ornaments. I think it is a Parasaurolophus :p
This is a smaller terrarium. It contains a haworthia zebrina and a sempervivum arachnoideum. Kind of creepy, huh? :p
The last terrarium is the one I made for my mum. Didn't put any snakes in it because it would end in the garbage hah. They wouldn't be the first plants with this fate:p These pebbles are too shiny for my taste, but it looks ok I guess.