Saturday, 29 December 2012

aeonium in bloom

My aeonium arboreum cutting must have been old because it is putting on a show now. Too bad it's going to die afterwards..

Sunday, 21 October 2012


I just had a film developped from my quick trip to Paris in June. I had the chance to drool over extremely cute (and small) balconies. The most common plants you see on balconies are geraniums and ivy. Parisians love their flowers. Their flower shops are so stylish.

This balcony drew my attention. One must really like sedum palmeri to hang it on bags on the wall!

These are some succulents I found in a succulent boutique. Why don't WE have succulent boutiques?

Saturday, 20 October 2012

succulents on film

I was wondering how my succulents would look on film..It turns out they look great :D



Thursday, 18 October 2012

best succulent ever

I just got this beautiful dudleya plant from the Autumn Flower Show. I think it's the most impressive plant I've seen. Born in Baja, California :D


Wednesday, 16 May 2012


Don't you love sedums? There are so many species (400!), manifesting in different shapes and colours.  Some species are very cold resistant, but don't like heat, while other are tropical and don't take any frost. I am anxious to see if they will survive summer heat in Athens.. I wish I had a garden or even a roof to use them as ground cover...Anyway, this is my sweet little collection:P

sedum rubrotinctum

sedum nussbaumerianum

sedum rupestre "blue spruce"

sedum adolphi

sedum makinoi

sedum stahlii

sedum palmeri

sedum x rubrotinctum "aurora"

sedum morgarianum "burro's tail" 

sedum indicum (aka sinocrassula yunnanensis)

Saturday, 28 April 2012

Blossoming succulents

Hello there! Some of my succulents have blossomed or are about to blossom here at my tiny balcony garden, so I thought I'd share some pics. Isn't spring the best season? :)

 echeveria glauca

unknown echeveria

 echeveria lilacina

  graptopetalum paraguayense

 echeveria setosa

kalanchoe calandiva (well this one can blossom all year round)

 echeveria pulidonis

echeveria purpusorum

echeveria pilosa

Friday, 30 March 2012


Aeoniums are one of the most ornamental of all the succulents. And they 're my favourite family of succulents:) Even those that don't appreciate succulents seem to like these plants. I thought I'd share mine..They're not many, but I plan on expanding my collection:P They survived the winter cold, now the only thing that is left is to see how they will cope with the summer heat. Hmm..

aeonium zwartkopf

aeonium arboreum

aeonium "bronze medal"

aeonium "blushing beauty"

aeonium kiwi

aeonium mascaense

aeonium leucoblepharum

aeonium "sunburst" (how cool is this!)
aeonium davidbramwellii

Friday, 10 February 2012

tillandsia terrarium

New terrarium in the house! I just got the tillandsias I ordered and I thought they would look great in a terrarium. Tillandsias (a.k.a. air plants) are often epiphytic, which means they grow on other plants (without harming them!). The funny thing about them is that they do not need soil to grow because they absorb nutrients from their leaves. I hope the little piece of reindeer moss I included makes it, because I hear it's very sensitive! 

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

new fancy plants!

My first plant order from ebay finally arrived.. I was anxious to see if the plants would arrive in a good shape, but they seem pretty fine! They have dramatic names too :P

sempervivum "blade of steel"

 sempervivum "blood of winter"

aeonium "blushing beauty"

 aeonium "bronze medal"

sempervivum "tickled pink"

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

cactus humour

A nice little comic strip I found online.